4 Tips To Keep Your Shower Drain Clear Of Clogs
You want your shower drain to work effortlessly. No one wants to stand in a pool of dirty water while trying to get clean. If you've ever dealt with a clogged drain, you know how frustrating it is. Here are four tips to help you keep your shower drain clear of clogs for good:
1. Brush your hair before taking a shower.
Human hair is a leading cause of clogged shower drains, especially if you or a housemate has long hair. In order to reduce the amount of hair that gets washed down the drain, make it a habit to brush your hair before you get in the shower. Keep a small wastebasket in your bathroom, and throw your hair away beforehand. This will keep your hair from wrapping around the shower drain and clogging your pipes. As an added bonus, your hair will even be easier to wash.
2. Invest in a catchment device.
Even when you wash your hair before showering, some of it will inevitably come out when you wash it. You can still keep your hair from going down the drain by investing in a catchment device. This is a small strainer made out of plastic or metal that fits snugly over your shower drain. It will allow water to drain while keeping solids from going down the pipes; that includes hair as well as things like soap scum and shampoo residue. Just clean out your catchment device after every shower you take.
3. Use a liquid drain cleaner.
Sometimes you can fix mild clogs yourself with the aid of a liquid drain cleaner. Follow the instructions on the bottle for best effect. Typically, you will need to use the whole bottle to clean out your drain. These cleaning chemicals are extremely caustic, so remember to wear gloves and be cautious when pouring from the bottle. You never want to get the chemicals in your eyes or on your skin.
4. Hire a specialist.
In some cases, a liquid drain cleaner and a plunger aren't enough to get the job done. When dealing with stubborn clogs and water that won't drain, it's time to call a professional. A drain cleaning service will send a specialist to your house. They'll be able to use commercial-grade tools to get rid of your clog for good. You want to take care of your drainage problem as quickly as possible since standing water in your shower or tub can lead to flooding and water damage.