Making The Switch? Understanding The Benefits Of Upgrading To A Propane Water Heater
Having a plentiful supply of hot water available at the tap is both a comfort and a necessity in today's average American home. In fact, many local, state, and federal safe housing guidelines for rental and low-income housing specifically list a domestic hot water supply system as a requirement for occupancy. While electric hot water heaters are commonly used in a significant number of both these homes and those that are owner-occupied, switching to gas, and specifically propane, can have some serious benefits.
Reducing the cost of household electricity bills
Residential electrical rates are rising in many parts of the country, placing pressure on families who live in these areas. Finding ways to reduce the amount of electrical demand throughout these households is a smart way to bring down the monthly bill for electrical service One way to do this is to focus on reducing waste, such as turning off unneeded lights, unplugging idle devices, and allowing the dishwasher to air dry. To reduce electrical consumption in a major way, however, homeowners should consider converting major appliances, such as electric furnaces, kitchen ranges, clothes dryers, and hot water heaters to models which burn propane for fuel.
Lessening household maintenance chores
Just as homeowners often need to find ways to economize, they may also need to find ways to save and lessen home maintenance chores. Unlike gas water heaters, electric models have heating elements that must be kept free of lime and sediment buildup that can quickly cause them to fail. In areas where hard water is a concern, an electric hot water heater may need to be drained and cleaned to remove accumulated sediment from inside the tank every few months. In addition, the anode tube may also require replacement. Gas water heaters operate with a burner housed separately from the water and needs far less maintenance than comparable electric models.
Working to lessen dependence on the electrical grid
Another excellent reason to switch from an electric water heater is when homeowners are adding solar to their home's menu of available energy sources. Propane hot water heaters, along with other propane-powered appliances can help homeowners live comfortably without maxing out the available electricity created by their solar arrays.
Because propane is an ignitable gas, supply pipes and connections must be installed correctly to ensure safety. To begin the process of converting from an electric hot water heater to one powered by propane, homeowners should take time to discuss their needs and plans with a reputable licensed plumbing contractor. For more information, reach out to companies like All American Plumbing & Heating.